Critical Race Theory (CRT) is an intellectual framework and academic movement that originated in the United States in the 1970s and 1980s. It emerged as a response to the perceived limitations of the [[civil rights]] movement and traditional legal scholarship in addressing systemic [racism]( CRT draws from various disciplines, such as law, sociology, history, and cultural studies, to explore the complex ways in which race and racism intersect with other forms of social hierarchy, such as class, [gender](, and sexuality. ## Key tenets of Critical Race Theory 1. **Race as a social construct**: CRT argues that race is not a biological or natural category, but a socially constructed one. It is a product of historical, social, and political processes, and its meaning and significance can change over time. 2. **Systemic racism**: CRT posits that racism is not just a matter of individual [[prejudice]] or [[discrimination]] but is deeply embedded in the structures, institutions, and practices of society. This systemic racism often manifests itself in subtle and covert ways, making it difficult to identify and address. 3. **Intersectionality**: CRT emphasizes the interconnected nature of various forms of oppression, such as racism, sexism, and classism. Developed by Kimberlé Crenshaw, intersectionality is a framework that acknowledges how multiple forms of discrimination can intersect and compound for individuals who belong to multiple marginalized groups. 4. **Counter-narratives**: CRT promotes the importance of elevating the voices and experiences of marginalized groups, as these perspectives have often been excluded from mainstream discourse. Counter-narratives can help challenge dominant narratives and reveal the biases and [[prejudice]]s that underlie them. 5. **Interest convergence**: CRT posits that advances in racial equity are often only achieved when they align with the interests of dominant groups. This concept, developed by Derrick Bell, suggests that progress for marginalized communities is often contingent upon the perceived benefits for those in power. 6. **Critique of liberalism**: CRT critiques some aspects of [liberalism](, such as colorblindness, neutrality, and incrementalism. It argues that these principles can perpetuate racial inequalities by ignoring the historical and structural context of racism. Critical Race Theory is not a monolithic or static framework. It comprises diverse scholars, perspectives, and methodologies that continue to evolve and adapt to new social and political contexts.