Conservative media in the United States has been around since the early days of the country. But since the 1990s it's been growing like a cancer and clogging democratic arteries. Here's a brief history of the growth of right-wing media over time: 1. **Early newspapers and publications (18th and 19th centuries)**: Many early American newspapers and publications had a conservative or Federalist bent, such as the New York Post (established in 1801 by Alexander Hamilton) and the National Gazette (founded in 1791 by Philip Freneau). 2. **Radio's "Golden Age" (1920s-1950s)**: As radio became a popular medium, conservative voices began to emerge. H.V. Kaltenborn and Fulton Lewis Jr. were among the early conservative commentators who gained notoriety. Later came [[Father Charles Coughlin]] and the [[isolationist]]s of the [[America First Committee (AFC)]] leading up to the [[World War II Timeline]]. 3. **National Review (1955)**: Founded by [[William F. Buckley, Jr.]], the National Review became a leading [conservative]( publication, advocating for limited government, free-market capitalism, and a strong national defense. The magazine played a significant role in shaping conservative thought and influencing American politics. 4. **Conservative book publishing (1960s-present)**: Conservative authors like [[Ayn Rand]], [[Friedrich Hayek]], and Russell Kirk gained prominence, while publishers such as Regnery Publishing and Encounter Books published works that helped shape conservative ideology. 5. **Talk radio (1980s-present)**: The repeal of the [[Fairness Doctrine]] in 1987 allowed radio stations to broadcast politically biased content without presenting opposing views. This led to the rise of conservative talk radio, with figures like [[Rush Limbaugh]], [[Sean Hannity]], [[Glenn Beck]], and Mark Levin dominating the airwaves. 6. **[[Fox News]] Channel (1996)**: Founded by [[Rupert Murdoch]] and [[Roger Ailes]], Fox News quickly became a dominant force in cable news, offering conservative viewpoints and opinion-driven programming. Key personalities include [[Bill O'Reilly]], [[Sean Hannity]], and [[Tucker Carlson]]. 7. **The Drudge Report (1995)**: Matt Drudge's influential conservative news aggregation website gained prominence during the Monica Lewinsky scandal in the late 1990s and has since been a key source of news for conservatives. 8. **The rise of conservative online media (2000s-present)**: Websites and blogs like [[Breitbart News]], The Daily Caller, and The Federalist emerged, offering conservative perspectives on news and culture. Social media has also played a significant role in amplifying conservative voices. 9. **Podcasts and alternative media (2010s-present)**: The rise of podcasts and alternative media platforms has given conservative commentators like Ben Shapiro, Steven Crowder, and Candace Owens new outlets to reach audiences. See also: [[William Regnery II]], [[WorldNetDaily]]