Trolling is a term that originated from internet culture and is used to describe a range of behaviors that are intended to disrupt, provoke, or upset individuals or communities online, particularly on [[social media]]. The term is often used to refer to actions that are intended to cause controversy or conflict, often for the amusement of the troll (the person engaging in the trolling behavior) and at the expense of the target. Here are some key aspects of trolling: 1. **Provocation**: Trolls often aim to provoke a reaction from their targets or the wider community. This can involve making controversial statements, spreading misinformation or [disinformation](, or engaging in personal attacks. 2. **Anonymity**: Trolling is often facilitated by the anonymity that the internet provides. This anonymity can embolden individuals to behave in ways they wouldn't in face-to-face interactions. 3. **Disruption**: Trolls often aim to disrupt online communities or discussions. For example, a troll might post off-topic comments in a discussion forum to derail the conversation. 4. **Humor and Sarcasm**: Trolling can sometimes involve humor or sarcasm, although this humor is often at the expense of others and can be offensive or hurtful. 5. **Cyberbullying**: In some cases, trolling can cross into [cyberbullying](, with trolls engaging in sustained harassment or abuse of individuals online. Trolling can have serious impacts on individuals and communities in the real world, causing distress (or even self-harm, or violence against others), damaging online discussions, and contributing to a negative online culture. Many online platforms have policies in place to try to prevent trolling and provide users with tools to report and block trolls.