Christian [[nationalism]] is the belief in, and attempt to bring about, Christianity as the state religion in America -- including the imposition of Biblical Law. It is a political ideology and social movement that seeks to promote and defend a fusion of Christianity with national identity, often emphasizing a perceived shared heritage, values, and cultural norms. The movement typically advocates for the close alignment of the nation's political and social systems with Christian principles and often seeks to influence policy accordingly. ## Christian Nationalists - [[Jerry Falwell Sr.]] - [Christian nationalists list]( ![[christian-nationalism.png]] ## Key characteristics of Christian nationalism 1. **Emphasis on a Christian identity**: Christian nationalists believe that their nation's identity, history, and culture are inherently intertwined with Christianity. They argue that a return to or maintenance of this identity is essential for national unity and prosperity. 2. **Political advocacy**: Christian nationalists seek to influence politics and public policy in accordance with their beliefs, often supporting policies that prioritize or promote Christian values and institutions. This may include advocating for prayer in public schools, anti-abortion legislation, [traditional family values](, and religious freedom. 3. **Concern for moral decline**: Christian nationalists often express concern about the perceived moral decline of their nation, which they attribute to secularism, progressive values, or the erosion of Christian influence. They may argue that their nation's well-being depends on a return to traditional Christian principles. 4. **Belief in exceptionalism**: Christian nationalists may view their nation as having a special, God-given mission or role in the world. This can manifest in the belief that their nation is uniquely blessed or has a responsibility to spread Christian values internationally -- a form of [collective narcissism]( 5. **Opposition to [[multiculturalism]] and pluralism**: Some Christian nationalists may be resistant to the idea of a diverse, multicultural society, believing that such a society dilutes their nation's Christian identity. They may advocate for policies that limit immigration, resist cultural assimilation, or promote a particular interpretation of Christianity. ## Recent rise of Christian nationalism in the U.S. While Christian nationalism has been present in various forms throughout history, it has gained prominence in recent years, particularly in the United States and some European countries. Critics argue that Christian nationalism can be exclusionary, divisive, and undermine the principles of secular governance and religious freedom. Proponents, on the other hand, often view their efforts as a defense of what they say is their nation's heritage, values, and moral compass.