Anti-government ideology refers to a range of beliefs and philosophies that express opposition, distrust, or skepticism towards government authority and institutions. While some ideologies advocate for limited government intervention, others call for a complete dismantling of government structures. Here is an overview of some prominent anti-government ideologies: ![[angry_man.jpg]] 1. **Anarchism**: Anarchism opposes all forms of hierarchical authority, including the state. Anarchists argue that individuals can voluntarily cooperate and self-organize in a decentralized manner to create a stateless society based on mutual aid, direct democracy, and horizontal decision-making. 2. **Libertarianism**: [Libertarians]( advocate for minimal government intervention, particularly in economic affairs. They believe that individuals have the right to pursue their own interests with minimal restrictions, as long as they do not infringe upon the rights of others. While not completely anti-government, libertarians argue for a smaller, more limited government and favor extreme [[laissez-faire capitalism]], with all its [[negative externalities]]. 3. **Minarchism**: A subset of libertarianism, minarchists believe in the establishment of a [[Night Watchman State]] that is limited to providing basic functions such as national defense, police, and courts to protect individual rights. They argue that any other form of government intervention is unnecessary and often detrimental to individual liberty. 4. **Voluntaryism**: Voluntaryists argue that all human interactions should be based on voluntary consent rather than coercion or force. They advocate for the replacement of government institutions with voluntary, market-based alternatives that respect individual freedom and property rights. 5. **Agorism**: Agorists promote the use of black and grey markets to undermine state authority, particularly by engaging in economic transactions outside of the state's control. They argue that these decentralized, non-violent actions can ultimately lead to the collapse of government institutions. 6. **Anti-Federalism**: Anti-Federalism is a historical political movement in the United States that opposed the creation of a strong federal government and advocated for states' rights. Anti-Federalists were concerned that a powerful central government would threaten individual liberties and local autonomy. While not completely against the idea of government, they sought a balance of power between state and federal levels. 7. **Revolutionary Socialism**: Some revolutionary socialists view the current state as a tool of capitalist oppression, believing that the existing government must be dismantled and replaced with a socialist system. They argue that a radical transformation of society is necessary to establish a more equitable and just system, often advocating for the use of revolutionary means to achieve their goals. 8. **Autonomism**: Autonomist movements advocate for regional or local autonomy and often oppose centralized government control. They seek to establish self-governed communities or regions, emphasizing local decision-making, culture, and identity. Autonomism can manifest in various forms, ranging from peaceful advocacy to militant separatism. 9. **Tax Resistance**: Tax resisters oppose government taxation, arguing that it is a form of theft or coercion. They may engage in civil disobedience, refusing to pay taxes or advocating for tax evasion. Some tax resisters believe in limited government, while others are more fundamentally anti-government in their ideology. 10. **[[Sovereign Citizen Movement]]**: The sovereign citizens movement is a loosely affiliated group of individuals who believe that they are not subject to the authority of the government, particularly regarding taxation and other legal obligations. They often engage in legal battles with government institutions, asserting their perceived rights as "sovereign citizens." These ideologies differ in their specific goals and methods but share a common thread of skepticism or opposition towards government authority. See also: [[Oath Keepers]], [[Stewart Rhodes]], [[Proud Boys]], [[New World Order (NWO)]]