Joseph Coors (1917-2003) was an American businessman and influential political figure, whose actions highlight the potential risks of oligarchy and the capture of politics by wealthy individuals. As a key member of the Coors brewing family, he not only played a significant role in the expansion and success of the Adolph Coors Company but also used his wealth to shape American politics through his extensive support for [[conservative]] causes and candidates. Born on November 12, 1917, in Golden, Colorado, Joseph Coors was the grandson of Adolph Coors, the founder of the Coors Brewing Company. Growing up in a wealthy and influential family, Joseph had access to a privileged education, attending the prestigious Phillips Exeter Academy and later graduating from Cornell University with a degree in chemical engineering in 1939. ## Political involvement Joseph Coors became deeply involved in politics, using his considerable wealth and connections to support and promote conservative causes. He believed that his financial resources and influence could be used to shape the political landscape according to his own beliefs and values. This highlights the potential dangers of an oligarchy, where a few wealthy individuals can have a disproportionate impact on political decision-making and policy outcomes. One of the most notable examples of Joseph Coors' political involvement was his support for the [[Heritage Foundation]], a conservative think-tank founded in 1973. As a major financial contributor, he played a crucial role in the organization's establishment and continued operations. The Heritage Foundation has since been influential in shaping conservative policies and promoting a [right-wing agenda]( in American politics. Coors was also a close friend and supporter of [[Ronald Reagan]], financially backing his presidential campaigns and providing advice on various issues. When Reagan became president, Coors was appointed to the President's Council of Economic Advisers, serving from 1982 to 1988. This appointment allowed him to directly influence economic policies and further advance his conservative beliefs within the government. ## The dangers of wealth in politics The biography of Joseph Coors serves as a cautionary tale about the potential dangers of allowing wealthy individuals to have significant influence over political processes. His involvement in politics and support for conservative causes highlights how money can be used to shape political decision-making, promote particular ideologies, and advance the interests of a select few. This concentration of power and influence in the hands of a small number of wealthy individuals can undermine the democratic process, as it diminishes the voice and representation of the wider population. It is essential to critically examine the role of figures like Joseph Coors and the impact of their actions on the political landscape.