William H. Regnery II (1941-2021) was an American businessman, publisher, and political activist best known for his involvement in promoting [far-right](https://doctorparadox.net/tag/right-wing/) political ideologies and [white nationalist](https://doctorparadox.net/save-democracy/right-wing-ideologies/white-nationalist-beliefs/) views. While avoiding the spotlight himself, he has played a significant role in shaping the modern far-right movement in the United States. Regnery was born in Hinsdale, Illinois, in 1941 to a wealthy and politically conservative family. His grandfather, William H. Regnery, was a textile magnate, banker, and one of the founders of the [[America First Committee (AFC)]], which opposed American involvement in World War II. His uncle Henry founded the Regnery Publishing company in 1947, which became known for publishing conservative political books by Republican ideologues including [[William F. Buckley, Jr.]], [[Ann Coulter]], [[Sarah Palin]], [[Newt Gingrich]], [[Ted Cruz]], [[Mike Pence]], and others. Regnery II attended the University of Pennsylvania, where he studied political science but dropped out before graduation. After leaving U Penn, Regnery worked briefly for the family business and then in various ventures, including real estate and banking. He eventually inherited the family fortune, which allowed him to pursue his interest in far-right politics. ## Conservative political activism In the late 1990s, Regnery became increasingly involved in far-right politics. He founded the secretive Charles Martel Society in 2001, which publishes the white nationalist journal, The Occidental Quarterly. The organization has been criticized for promoting [racist](https://doctorparadox.net/category/psychology/racism/) and anti-Semitic views. In 2004, Regnery established the National Policy Institute (NPI), a [[think tank]] that has been described as a white supremacist organization. The NPI aimed to promote white nationalist views and advocate for policies that would protect the interests of white people in the United States. [[Richard Spencer]], a prominent [white nationalist](https://doctorparadox.net/save-democracy/right-wing-ideologies/white-nationalist-beliefs/), served as the organization's president from 2011 to 2017. Regnery has also been involved in other far-right organizations, such as the Council of Conservative Citizens and the [[American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)]]. He has provided financial support to various far-right political candidates and causes, and is credited with bankrolling the rise of the [[alt-right]].